An Efficient HOS-Based Gait Authentication of Accelerometer Data

An Efficient HOS-Based Gait Authentication of Accelerometer Data We propose a novel efficient and reliable gait authentication approach. It is based on the analysis of accelerometer signals using higher order statistics. Gait patterns are obtained by transformation of acceleration data in feature space represented with higher order cumulants. The proposed approach is able to operate on multichannel and multisensor data by combining feature-level and sensor-level fusion. Evaluation of the proposed approach was performed using the largest currently available data set OU-ISIR containing inertial data of 744 subjects. Authentication was performed by cross-comparison of gallery and probe gait patterns transformed in feature space. In addition, the proposed approach was evaluated using data set collected by McGill University, containing long-sequence acceleration signals of 20 subjects acquired by smartphone during casual walking. The results have shown an average equal error rate of 6% to 12%, depending on the selected experimental parameters and setup. When compared with the latest state of the art, evaluated performance reveal the proposed approach as one of the most efficient and reliable of the currently available accelerometer-based gait authentication approaches.