IEEE Projects EEE
IEEE Projects EEE used to electrical engineering students. EEE students mainly doing inverter and converter based projects. But they require IEEE concepts for their project works. Our projects based on power generation and distribution systems.Every year we guide 1000+ innovative electrical projects.
Final year EEE projects based on hardware kits mostly. Academic EEE projects based on simulation mostly. We are guide all 2 types. All major electrical issues we provide the support like power efficiency, power improvement, inverter, power conservation, converters, machine controls, harmonic reduction.
We support the projects in renewable energy, unconventional power, solar energy, wind energy.
IEEE Projects EEE:
- Chip-scale packaging of power devices and its application in integrated power electronics modules
- Development of tools for the study of chaotic behavior in power electronics
- Analysis and evaluation of near field noise voltage on power electronics circuits
- A web-based graduate course on the Mechanical Design of High Temperature and High Power Electronics
- Novel and ruggedized power electronics for off-highway vehicles
- Design of PEBB based power electronics systems
- Improving performance of cryogenic power electronics
- Power quality considerations for installing sensitive electronics equipment-a utility’s perspective
- The role power electronics in future energy systems and green industrialization
- Power electronics in biomedical applications – An overview
- A power electronics conversion topology for regenerative fuel cell systems
- Circuit simulation in a research oriented education of power electronics
- Packaging of integrated power electronics modules using flip-chip technology
- Power electronics building blocks – a platform-based approach to power electronics
- Power Electronics Building Blocks and potential power modulator applications
- Grid Compliance Conditioning of Renewable Power Sources by Means of Modern Power Electronics
- Using a fully digital rapid prototype platform in grid-coupled power electronics applications
- A General Approach for Quantifying the Benefit of Distributed Power Electronics for Fine Grained MPPT in Photovoltaic Applications Using 3-D Modeling
- Power Electronics Cooling of 100 W/cm 2 Using AC Electroosmotic Pump
- Digital Control Generations — Digital Controls for Power Electronics through the Third Generation