NS3 Network Simulator is an open source simulation tool used to simulate wired and wireless Network. It is used to design, analyze and simulate the performance of various network protocols and applications. It is used by majority of scholars and students today, for the purpose of research due to its programming ease and Emulation support. We have well trained developers and network engineers, who can work on all major aspects of NS3 Simulator. Our developers have implemented nearly 1000+ simulation projects in NS3 for numerous students from all over the world. We offer NS3 based project, assignment and lab session support for students, who aid for external guidance support. Approach us with your need, we will offer you best and cost effective solution for your need along with our all round guidance.
- An Open Source discrete event simulator, used for the purpose of research and educational work.
- It is not an evolution of NS2, it is written from scratch. It provides realistic environment with well organized code support.
- Programming language used[C++ and python]
- Python is used as a glue language/binding language, while C++ is used as an executable language.
- Platform support[Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD]
- Latest version[NS 3.25] with added features like new traffic control framework, Wi-Fi Module[802.11n and 802.11ac modes] and Internet Module features[Refactored TCP Model]
-Scalability Features:
- Nodes have optional features[like new features can be easily added, mobility model may not be needed etc]
- Packets can have dummy bytes[Virtual zero bytes]
-Cross layer features:
- Uses Packet tags[small unit of information attached to packets]
- Tracing[report events across non contiguous layers]
-Real World Integration features:
- Packets saved in PCAP files in a real format
- PCAP files can be read using tools like Wire shark
- Integrates with real networks/packets
- Use of Real time scheduler[Simulation events synchronized to wall clock time]
-Generates PCAP trace files, which will be helpful for debugging
-Analysis Network traffic using a standard tool like Wireshark
-Framework support[NSF framework]
-Tools used in NS3[NetAnim, Pybindgen, Bake,WAF]
-Flexible Event scheduler[Any member function of an object can be a event handler using a arbitrary list of parameters]
-Powerful low level API with Trace file output in Ascii or PCAP Format
-Plotting tools like gpwrapper and GNUplot
- Use of “Object aggregation”, which allows the extension of Object functionality without adding any additional virtual functions to the base class.
- Use of Smart pointers[ease memory management]
- Simulation of event scheduling with arbitrary argument list on arbitrary functions
- Offers Integrated tracing frame work with type safe callbacks
- Packet objects manage sequential array of bytes using Helper function[to add or remove header and data]
- Ipv6 Module support
- Module for DSDV Routing, AODV and DSR Routing
- Energy Models
- BRITE Topology generator
- Bridge Network device
- File descriptor Network device
- CSMA Networking device
- LR WPAN Models
- LTE Module[FF MAC Scheduler]
- Propagation Models
- Mesh devices and Mobility Support
- UAN Models
- Spectrum Models
- Virtual device and Visualizer
- Mobile Networking
- WiFi and Wi-Max Models
- Network Security
- Software defined Networking
- LTE Networks
- Cognitive Radio Network
- Wireless Ad hoc Networks
- Device to device communication
- Underwater Acoustic Network Device
- Energy and Networking
- 5G Wireless Network
- Wireless animation and spectrum framework
- Distributed Wireless Simulation
We have provided an overview about NS3 Network simulator for students to get a better understanding about NS3. For further guidance and tutoring service on NS3 Network simulator, approach our experts through our online tutoring service. Along with NS3 tutoring service, we offer complete guidance support for the accomplishment of your final year projects, assignments and lab sessions. Approach us anytime [24/7 online support] to get our aid and guidance.