A survey of mitigation techniques against Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) attack on cloud computing architecture Cloud computing is the next revolution in the Information and Communication Technology arena. It is a model in which computing is delivered as a commoditized service similar to electricity, water and telecommunication. Cloud computing provides software, platform, infrastructure and other hybrid models which are delivered as subscription-based services in which customers pay based on usage. Nevertheless, security is one of the main factors that inhibit the proliferation of cloud computing. Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) is a new breed of security and economical threats to thecloud computing. Unlike the traditional Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) which brings down a particular service by exhausting the resources of the server in traditional setup, EDoS takes advantage of the elasticity of the cloud service. This causes the resources to dynamically scale to meet the demand (as a result of EDoS attack) resulting in a hefty bill for the customer. In this survey, we review various EDoS mitigation techniques that have been introduced in recent years.