Continuous connectivity aware routing in VANET using hybrid protocol A position base routing protocol for vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is challenging task due to rapidly changing topology and frequent path disconnection problem in network and safety application. Also a position base routing protocol for vehicular ad-hoc network is propose to ensure connectivity of route with more successfully delivered packet. Consider both cars and buses as vehicular nodes running in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction in city scenario and highways. A hybrid protocol, using both greedy forwarding approach and store-carry-and forward approach reduce the packet drop rate. Now, solution to situation, when the network is sparse and when any (source or destination) node left its initial position, make the protocol better in city scenario and highway. Consider Vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication or Vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication for moving or stationary vehicles. Also the paradigm of cross layer design allows information to be exchange and shared across layer boundaries in order to enable efficient and robust protocol.