Generating personalized job role recommendations for the IT sector through predictive analytics and personality traits

Generating personalized job role recommendations for the IT sector through predictive analytics and personality traits Collectively, the Information Technology sector forms one of the topmost recruiting industries as of 2015. The industry continues to grow rapidly by expanding its footprint into unexplored verticals and newer technologies. It is imperative that the IT workforce is one that is competent, versatile and adaptive. Numerous studies have determined that there is a direct correlation between the success achieved in a particular job role and the personality traits that an individual possesses. This study focuses on identifying suitable job roles for an individual who seeks a career in the IT sector by analyzing their personality. Additionally, an attempt is made to suggest potentially beneficial and currently relevant skills that the individual could acquire to excel in the suggested job roles. The study uses Holland Codes to understand the individuals’ personality and to identify these job roles. Additionally, the five factor model is used to further strengthen the quality of the recommendation made. The identification of skills relevant to a job role is done through the application of data analytics to job listings on web portals.