h-DDSS: Heterogeneous Dynamic Dedicated servers scheduling in cloud computing This paper describes about the virtual desktop environment on Cloud computing. In the modern world, the tasks become more complex and difficult to accomplish which causes the existing of heavy load applications in an educational environment. The limitation of computer’s specification in the school and universities’ laboratory will affect the learning process. Therefore, this paper proposed development of acloud server machine by using cloud computing platform. The cloud computing is a technology or distributed architecture that used software and desktop Virtualization concept to separates the desktop environment, store data, run applications and allow people to access it remotely. The objectives of this project are to develop a cloud server machine for the thin client computers to be able to access the different operating systems, run heavier load applications, and conduct testing on the effectiveness which include performance level for different operating systems by running the applications using Virtualization concept. The result shows that the thin client computer may access the server machine and different operating systems remotely. In addition, the result shows that the Ubuntu 12.04 has the lowest response time compared with Windows 7 from the server to the thin client computer. Then, the thin client computer can run heavier load applications virtually and it has determined the Ubuntu 12.04 is the best operating system compared to Windows 7 in order to run applications on the Xen CloudPlatform.