Performance analysis of network coded video streams in VANETs based on mobility models Vehicular Adhoc NETworks (VANET), a special category of Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) arenetworks formed by vehicles which help the vehicles communicate with one another. The challenging mode of communication in VANETs is the video mode which can be used to give faster and clear information to the end users in vehicles. The transmission of video streams is prevalently seen in the applications of VANETs like the infotainment applications and safety messages dissemination. As video streams are normally immense and expected to maintain strict deadlines, the parameters delay and jitter play a vital role in maintaining the quality of streaming. One of the popular techniques used in reducing the above said parameters is Network Coding. The mobility of the vehicles influence thenetwork characteristics to a large extend. This paper analyses the delay and jitter parameters in VANETs by simulating the network coded video streams being transmitted between the vehicles which are not in the range of each other where the vehicles show varying mobility scenarios.