Supporting Communication in Information Centric Networks Using the Location/ID Split Protocol and Time Released Caching

Supporting Communication in Information Centric Networks Using the Location/ID Split Protocol and Time Released Caching The vast majority of current Internet usage is data retrieval and information exchange. As a result, the focus has been shifted from the current location-based system to an Information-Centric system, where information can be cached and accessed from anywhere within the network rather than from the end hosts only. To support this functionality, data must be uniquely identified regardless of the location. Current research efforts in the area of Information-Centric Networks presume the existence of a Convergence Layer protocol that facilitates the functionalities of forwarding, while data caching takes place on a higher-plane. Therefore, this paper proposes a convergence layer protocol, based on the Location/ID Separation Protocol which uses two numbering spaces for data. Unlike other Information Centric architectures in the literature, the proposed approach introduces new procedures to deal with in-network data caching and forwarding separately.