Various job scheduling algorithms in cloud computing: A survey Cloud Computing provides a Computing environment where different resources, infrastructures, development platforms and software are delivered as a service to customers virtually on pay per time basis. Low cost, scalability, reliability, utility-based computing are important aspects of cloud computing. Job scheduling is an essential and most important part in any cloud environment. With increasing number of users, Job scheduling becomes a strenuous task. Ordering the jobs by scheduler while maintaining the balance between quality of services (QoS), efficiency and fairness of jobs is quite challenging. Scheduling algorithms are implemented considering parameters such as throughput, resource utilization, latency, cost, priority, computational time, physical distances, performance, bandwidth, resource availability. Though there are different scheduling algorithms available in cloudcomputing, a very less comparative study has been done on performance of various scheduling algorithms with respect to above mentioned parameters. This paper aims at a comparative study of various types of job scheduling algorithms that provide efficient cloud services.