Master Thesis Parallel and Distributed Systems Projects
Master Thesis Parallel and Distributed Systems Projects give delightful domicile to our students and research community (ME, MTech, MSC, MCA, MS, MPhil, and PhD) to learn more and more from us with much interest. Our cooperative of professionals are given multiple service for students and researchers like project development training, thesis preparation, assignments preparation, paper presentation support, internal/external viva voce guidance and many more by their multi-talent. Students who need our guidance? Call us. We are ready to help you at 24/7/365.
Prodigious Research Titles for Master Students in Parallel and Distributed System:
- An Energy efficient Storage Strategy for Cloud Datacenters based on Variable K-Coverage of a Hyper graph
- Online Scheduling and Interference Alleviation for Low latency, High throughput processing of Data Streams [Master Thesis Parallel and Distributed Systems Projects]
- Accelerating Graph and Machine Learning Workloads Using a Shared Memory Multi core Architecture with Auxiliary Support for In-hardware Explicit Messaging
- General Purpose Task Dependence Management Hardware for Task Based Dataflow Programming Models
- Characterizing and Improving the Performance of Many-Core Task-Based Parallel Programming Runtimes
- Towards highly scalable Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD) Simulations on the Intel Knights Landing Manycore Processor
- HOMP: Automated Distribution of Parallel Loops and Data in Highly Parallel Accelerator-Based Systems
- A Robust Parallel Pre-conditioner for Indefinite Systems Using Hierarchical Matrices and Randomized Sampling
- Modeling of Applications and Hardware to Explore Task Mapping and Scheduling Strategies on a Heterogeneous Micro-Server System
- A Compression Method for Storage Formats of a Sparse Matrix in Solving the Large Scale Linear Systems
- On-FPGA Real-Time Processing of Biological Signals From High-Density MEAs: a Design Space Exploration
- Fault Tolerance for Cooperative Lifeline-Based Global Load Balancing in Java with APGAS and Hazel cast
- Auto-Tuning Strategies for Parallelizing Sparse Matrix-Vector (SpMV) Multiplication on Multi- and Many-Core Processors
- Design of an Energy Aware Petaflops Class High Performance Cluster Based on Power Architecture [Master Thesis Parallel and Distributed Systems Projects]
- Approximation Proofs of a Fast and Efficient List Scheduling Algorithm for Task Based Runtime Systems on Multi cores and GPUs