Master Thesis MapReduce Projects
Master Thesis MapReduce Projects gives our best for you to get immense of success in your prime research. For the past 10 years, we completely provided our professional life for students and research scholars with an ambition of create midst of scholars as an expert in various research platform. Today, we proud to say that our trained students and research scholars are as a ground breaking expert who are working in world’s top IT companies and research organizations.
- A Big Data MapReduce Hadoop distribution architecture for processing input splits to solve the small data problem
- Weighted frequent multi partitioned itemset mining of market-basket data using MapReduce on YARN framework
- Measuring Scale-up and Scale-out Hadoop with Remote and Local File Systems and Selecting the Best Platform
- Performance Evaluation of Mahout Clustering Algorithms Using a Twitter Streaming Dataset
- Smart Partitioning Mechanism for Dealing with Intermediate Data Skew in Reduce Task on Cloud Computing [Master Thesis MapReduce Projects]
- PPHOPCM: Privacy-preserving High-order Possibilistic c-Means Algorithm for Big Data Clustering with Cloud Computing
- A speculative execution strategy based on node classification and hierarchy index mechanism for heterogeneous Hadoop systems
- Measuring Moran’s I in a Cost-Efficient Manner to Describe a Land-Cover Change Pattern in Large-Scale Remote Sensing Imagery
- Comparative analysis of various distributed file systems & performance evaluation using map reduce implementation
- An Optimization Algorithm for Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters Based on Dynamic Load Balancing
- In-Memory Parallel Processing of Massive Remotely Sensed Data Using an Apache Spark on Hadoop YARN Model
- MapReduce-Based Distributed Video Encoding Using Content-Aware Video Segmentation and Scheduling
- A Set of Methods to Support Object-Based Distributed Analysis of Large Volumes of Earth Observation Data
- A Nonrelational Data Warehouse for the Analysis of Field and Laboratory Data from Multiple Heterogeneous Photovoltaic Test Sites [Master Thesis MapReduce Projects]
- The Implementation of Sensor Data Access Cloud Service on HBase for Intelligent Indoor Environmental Monitoring