Engineering projects for students
Engineering projects for students is key service for M.TECH & B.TECH students. Engineering projects are highly technical one. Resource persons must know the latest technology & domain knowledge so that can guide the engineering projects for students.

Engineering projects for students
Major projects or mini projects it purely knowledge based. Engineering projects day by day changed. Its based on the industry requirements. Engineering students want to built a projects in future commercial benefited platforms.

Engineering projects for student
So without any limitation we guide them. Its may research projects or any thing. Through our service students can get the Final Year Project Topics, Computer Science Project Topics, Research Topics, Thesis topics, Mini project topics etc. Its useful for IT, B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Tech or M.Tech Students.
Engineering projects for students offer arts, Engineering, Science, Research, MCA projects. Students may choose the interested category projects in our list.

Engg projects for students
Network Security | Image Processing | Big Data | Data Mining | Parallel Networking | Software Engineering | Web services | cloud computing | Mobile Computing | Parallel and Distributed Systems | Grid Computing | communication | Wireless communications | semantic web | Bio-metrics | Networking.
Matlab Projects | GSM projects| GPS projects| Simulation Projects|RFID projects| ZIGBEE projects |Embedded System Projects | Lab view Projects | Electrical Projects | Robotic Projects | Android Projects | VLSI Projects.

Engg projects for student
- Protocol for improved energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks to support mobile robots
- A survey and performance evaluation of ad-hoc multi-hop routing protocols for static outdoor networks
- A fault-tolerant, energy-efficient routing protocol for wireless sensor networks
- A Minimum Channel Switch Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
- A fail safe broadcast protocol for collaborative intelligent vehicles
- Compressed sensing based data processing and MAC protocol design for smartgrids
- A Distributed Multi-Channel Feedbackless MAC Protocol for D2D Broadcast Communications
- Backoff Algorithm in Cognitive Radio MAC Protocol for Throughput Enhancement
- A Real-Time MAC Protocol for In-Vehicle Power Line Communications Based on HomePlug GP
- Finite-Time Consensus of Multiagent Systems With a Switching Protocol
- Stateless Adaptive Reliable Broadcast Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
- Coop-DMAC: A Cooperative Directional MAC protocol for wireless networks
- Design of a secure sum protocol using trusted third party system for Secure Multi-Party Computations
- Mitigation of Flooding Based Denial of Service Attack against Session Initiation Protocol Based VoIP System
- Mobile Sink-Based Adaptive Immune Energy-Efficient Clustering Protocol for Improving the Lifetime and Stability Period of Wireless Sensor Networks
- Improved DSA cryptographic protocol and its comparative study with RSA protocol
- Hardware Abstraction and Protocol Optimization for Coded Sensor Networks
- Analysis of LEACH protocol(s) using formal verification
- Multi-channel MAC protocol with Directional Antennas in wireless ad hoc networks
- Energy-efficient cooperative relaying protocol for full-duplex cognitive radio users and delay-aware primary users Engineering projects for students