IEEE computer science research projects
IEEE computer science research projects is help to research scholars, who struggle to find the problem statement, literature survey, implementation, paper preparation, journal publication, thesis writing. We provide the complete package support for ACADEMIC RESEARCH PROJECTS.
Research scholars can get the support from full package or partial according to the requirements. We provide theIEEE computer science research projects in following departments like:
- Computer science research projects
- Information technology research projects
- Electronics research projects
- Networking research projects
- Communication research projects
- Image processing research projects
We support all IEEE RESEARCH PROJECTS tools, here we list out very few for your reference NS2, NS3, OMNET++, MATLAB, SCILAB, OPNET, JAVA, WEKA, WORDNET, OPENCV etc.

IEEE computer science research projects
Our research students are very happy to work with us the main reason behind individual attention. We support all important journals for our research like IEEE / ACM / SPRINGER / SCIENCE DIRECT / ELSEVIER etc. Journal paper preparation and publication support we take the responsibility. Its purely based on the student wish.
IEEE computer science research projects:
- Using TPM to ensure security, trust and privacy (STP) in VANET
- DTB-MAC: Dynamic Token-Based MAC Protocol for reliable and efficient beacon broadcasting in VANETs
- Vehicle Mobility and Communication Channel Models for Realistic and Efficient Highway VANET Simulation
- Joint Fuzzy Relays and Network-Coding-Based Forwarding for Multihop Broadcasting in VANETs
- Accurate Probability Distribution of Rehealing Delay in Sparse VANETs
- Securing Warning Message Dissemination in VANETs Using Cooperative Neighbor Position Verification
- Prefetching-Based Data Dissemination in Vehicular Cloud Systems
- Data Dissemination with Network Coding in Two-Way Vehicle-to-Vehicle Networks
- Best nodes approach for alert message dissemination in VANET (BNAMDV)
- Cellular Content Download through a Vehicular Network: I2V Link Estimation
- Towards intelligent transportation Cyber-Physical Systems: Real-time computing and communications perspectives
- Evaluation of routing protocols in congested VANET environment
- RTOB: A TDMA-based MAC protocol to achieve high reliability of one-hop broadcast in VANET
- Comparative Analysis of Various Routing Protocols in VANET
- Pro-AODV (Proactive AODV): Simple modifications to AODV for proactively minimizing congestion in VANETs
- Application of the lowest-ID algorithm in cluster-based TDMA system for VANETs
- Impact of DSRC information content and transmission rate for highway vehicle platoons
- Navigo: Interest forwarding by geolocations in vehicular Named Data Networking
- An robust recursive ant colony optimization strategy in VANET for accident avoidance (RACO-VANET)
- Performance evaluation of an ITS system integrated with complementary LEO mobile satellite system