IEEE Zigbee Projects
IEEE Zigbee projects mainly use to transfer the data in between the nodes. Zigbee is adopt for any kind of the different frequency.
Module cost also very cheap. We use various wireless communication modules like Zigbee, Z-Wave, WiFi, Bluetooth.
But most the M.Tech and B.Tech IEEE embedded projects we use the Zigbee modules. We use the different number of Zigbee nodes based on the concept requirements.

Zigbee protocol is one of the major help for the electronics projects. Its used to various kind of the client and students projects. Some of real time zigbee projects
- Medical Automation
- Home Automation
- Equipment maintain
- Control system
- Industry Automation
- Agriculture industry
IEEE Zigbee projects have large number of benefits like
- low cost
- Save power
- Low power maintenance
- simple instillation
- different topologies
Wireless sensor network applications mainly using the Zigbee nodes.
IEEE Zigbee Projects:
- Real Time AMR & Control of Household Energy Meter with Zigbee Communication
- Performance analysis of ZigBee based real time Home Automation system
- An efficient algorithm for localization using RSSI based on ZigBee
- A design of Linux based ZigBee and Bluetooth low energy wireless gateway for remote parameter monitoring
- Dynamic integration of appliances into ZigBee home networks through web services
- Comparison of two speech communication codecs for transmitting voice/speech over Zigbee
- Modeling of ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4) channel in rail environment for Intelligent Transport
- A ZigBee based reliable and efficient power metering system for energy management and controlling
- Non-intrusive Zigbee power meter for load monitoring in smart buildings
- ZigBee-Based Communication System for Data Transfer Within Future Microgrids
- An adaptive indoor positioning algorithm for ZigBee WSN
- Energy-efficient distributed computing solutions for Internet of Things with ZigBee devices
- Design of smart home monitoring system based on ZigBee
- Passive, Privacy-Preserving Real-Time Counting of Unmodified Smartphones via ZigBee Interference
- ZigBee cluster tree formation for time-bounded data flows in one collision domain
- Web based automatic irrigation system using wireless sensor network and embedded Linux board
- Embedded Wireless Data Acquisition system for unmanned vehicle in underwater environment
- Techniques improving throughput of wireless sensor network: A survey
- Smart drip irrigation system using raspberry pi and arduino
- Harvested Power Wireless Sensor Network Solution for Disaggregated Current Estimation in Large Buildings