Ns2 Projects code

Ns2 Projects code we offer all network concepts.c++ & tcl, otcl is used to develop the applications in ns2.

What is Ns2

Uses of network simulators

Network simulators offer a cost effective method for

Features of Ns2 Projects code

Platform Supported by Ns2 Projects code

Components of Ns2 Projects code

Benefits of Ns2:

Ns2 Projects code

# Create a dumbbell topology
$ns duplex-link $s(0) $n(0) 1Mb 5ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $s(1) $n(0) 1Mb 5ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $n(0) $n(1) 1Mb 20ms RED/myRIO
$ns duplex-link $n(1) $n(2) 700Kb 25ms RED/myRIO

$ns duplex-link $n(2) $r(0) 1Mb 5ms DropTail
$ns duplex-link $n(2) $r(1) 1Mb 5ms DropTail

# Load a size-aware classifier to node 0

set cls [new Classifier/Hash/SizeAware 128]
$cls set default_ -1
$cls set flowlen_thr_ 5
$cls set refresh_intv_ 2
$cls set dynamic_update_ 0
set n(0) [node_with_classifier $cls]


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