IT projects for students
IT projects for students helps to choose the final year project topics for computer science and information technology students. Though there are wide range in it projects for students, we support all types of range in it projects for students a fewer of its kinds are spoken here. Networking, data mining, wireless sensor networks, cloud, grid, image processing are the major types.
Our technical team categorize all domains and technologies based on the respective topics. We placed all domains in the respective individual pages. Without any confusion we maintain the topics is different category, so students easily select the topics.

IT project for students
We are not the first academic projects providers in academic industry, but we can say proudly we are the best academic research projects providing websites in the world. Why because is giving 200% quality projects with 200% satisfactions.
You can collect the documents ,presentation materials, code etc. Based on the student requirements they can choose the different domain, different platform, different technology, different concept projects.

IT projects for students
IT projects for students:
- Scalable Algorithms for Large and Dynamic Networks: Reducing Big Data for Small Computations
- Parallel and Space-efficient Construction of Burrows-Wheeler Transform and Suffix Array for Big Genome Data
- Multi-block ADMM for big data optimization in smart grid
- Traceability and Provenance in Big Data Medical Systems
- A Hybrid Approach to Processing Big Data Graphs on Memory-Restricted Systems
- Finding the Big Data Sweet Spot: Towards Automatically Recommending Configurations for Hadoop Clusters on Docker Containers
- Connection Discovery using Big Data of User Shared Images in Social Media
- A survey of bitmap index compression algorithms for Big Data
- F6: I/O design at 25Gb/s and beyond: Enabling the future communication infrastructure for big data
- Opportunities for energy efficient computing: A study of inexact general purpose processors for high-performance and big-data applications
- OverFlow: Multi-Site Aware Big Data Management for Scientific Workflows on Clouds
- Production system performance prediction model based on manufacturing big data
- 4 Energy-efficient microserver based on a 12-core 1.8GHz 188K-CoreMark 28nm bulk CMOS 64b SoC for big-data applications with 159GB/S/L memory bandwidth system density
- Online sketching of big categorical data with absent features
- 7 Enterprise-grade 6x fast read and 5x highly reliable SSD with TLC NAND-flash memory for big-data storage
- High-Performance Extreme Learning Machines: A Complete Toolbox for Big Data Applications
- Parallel Selective Algorithms for Nonconvex Big Data Optimization
- Coalition Games for Spatio-Temporal Big Data in Internet of Vehicles Environment: A Comparative Analysis
- FCCE: Highly scalable distributed Feature Collection and Correlation Engine for low latency big data analytics
- Predicting Asthma-Related Emergency Department Visits Using Big Data